Tiffany will be a part time administrative assistant. She has past experience in healthcare including as an office assistant, and has served in numerous significant volunteer roles.
At this time, we are not currently accepting self referrals for new patients for mental health/ psychiatry. you may be referred by your therapist or PCP. have them call 433-260-3380. This is for self pay, Sentara, PCHP, and through Alma: Cigna, Optum and Aetna.
Our sister company, Hello Hope Medical Weight Loss, is accepting new patients for weight management by self referral or from your health care provider. Call 434-337-3646. If you'd like to schedule a consultation for Hello Hope Medical Weight Loss, you may do so by clicking here
Do Not post here. Please call 433-260-3380 for mental health or 434-337-3646 for weight management information.
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